The LDW Group LLC
Our vision is to help people seize their full career potential.
Our mission is to provide high-quality career and workforce development training and customized services for professionals, agencies, and organizations charged with preparing individuals for 21st-century careers.
Since 2005, the LDW Group LLC has provided services for those working with individuals who are dislocated workers, career changers, youth aging out of foster care, re-entry youth and adults, displaced homemakers, and those without work experience seeking skills to enter or re-enter the workforce. The LDW Group LLC designs and manages workforce training programs as well as delivers soft/life skills and job readiness workshops for organizations that need them. The LDW Group LLC provides DOL-funded One-Stop Operator services and consultancy for HUD-funded workforce development programs.
Dr. Linda D. Woodard
Dr. Linda D. Woodard, president of the LDW Group LLC, has multiple years of experience in secondary and higher education with many of those years in workforce development. Dr. Woodard holds a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Akron, a Master of Science in Business Management from Indiana Wesleyan University, and a doctorate in Community College Leadership from the National American University-Roueche Graduate Center. Dr. Woodard’s professional experience also includes senior-level positions in secondary and higher education, a senior-level position for a national internship organization covering five states, sales/lubrication engineer for a major oil company, assistant editor for a national technical publication, and program manager for many higher education training programs. Dr. Woodard also serves on workforce committees and actively participates on community agency boards.
What People are Saying About the LDW Group LLC
Thank You Dr. Woodard!
I recently completed Facilitating Career Development training with Dr. Woodard and had the most amazing experience. Dr. Woodard is truly inspirational and is a joy to work with! Through Dr. Woodard’s course, I was able to enhance my skills to become a more impactful Career Services Professional. Dr. Woodard, I cannot thank you enough for your guidance and support throughout this journey! Erin Martignetti, Florida Atlantic University
Self Paced Training Read more
Training Facility for Youth
I want to say thank you to Dr. Woodard! You care about the services you provide and being a professional. You continue to help us and share your wisdom and knowledge to benefit others in their career path. Thank you for all you do!
Great experience! Read more
I appreciate the new perspective on how we do business with our clients. I t was a great experience on how philosophies can change. I appreciate the learned experience! Thank you Dr. Woodard
FCD Training Read more
FCD Training Read more
Assistance from Our One-Stop Operator-Dr. Linda D. Woodard Read more
Very Informative Read more
Facilitating Career Development Training Great for Jobs Plus Programs Teams!
I loved the Facilitating Career Development Training and would recommend the LDW Group to any Jobs Plus staff. The activities and assignments provoke thoughtful discussions, specifically completing the e-portfolio. I had to dig deep and learned so much about myself. This assignment also reminded me of the skill sets I had already accomplished, helping me be a better leader for the team. Our main goal is to assist residents/clients find meaningful career opportunities. It’s important for Jobs Plus staff to be trained properly in the area of developing effective job search strategies, assisting clients/residents in setting realistic goals that they can achieve, as well as assisting them with the decision-making process. It is important that we do NOT decide for them but lead them down the pathway to making their own decisions. The core competencies specifically helped in the area of Program Management/Implementation. I learned how to be a better partner as I am more intentional about referring clients/residents to the specificities of the partner. It also supported the thought of collaboration and communication is the number one ingredient needed for strong partnerships. I would recommend the LDW Group to any Jobs Plus staff. The activities and assignments provoke thoughtful discussions, specifically completing the e-portfolio. It made me dig deep. I learned so much about myself. This assignment also helped me remember the skill sets that I had already accomplished. This in turn helps me be a better leader for the JPP team. With the Facilitating Career Development training, we can help change the landscape of public housing!